All over the world libraries are dedicated to providing free and equitable access to information for all, be it in written, electronic or audiovisual form. They play a key role in creating literate environments and promoting literacy by offering relevant and attractive reading material for all ages and all literacy levels and by offering adult and family literacy classes. They embrace the social responsibility to offer services that bridge social, political and economic barriers, and traditionally make a special effort to extend their services to marginalized people. Libraries assist in finding, using and interpreting appropriate information that opens up opportunities for lifelong learning, literacy enhancement, informed citizenship, recreation, creative imagination, individual research, critical thinking, and ultimately, empowerment in an increasingly complex world.
The “Tanzania and UNESCO” report covers a wide range of topical issues to inform the decision-makers of UNESCO’s local and regional activities. This report also provides information on environmental, social and economic aspects of Tanzania.
The report is produced and circulated in both printed and online versions. By combining two mediums, we aim at reaching as many administrators and managers as possible and all persons interested in Tanzania, thereby facilitating information exchange at national, regional and international levels.
The printed version is circulated free of charge to senior managers in the private sector, ministries and public offices, diplomatic missions, UN representation offices, NGO’s, development organizations and universities. The online version is distributed to our all contacts database covering regional and international domain. The online version, which is professionally indexed on web directories and search engines, is available on our website link: