The UNESCO National Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania hereby informing the general public that the the Secretariat of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has transmitted to Member States a list of vacant positions.
The Commission invites and encourages all qualified and interested Tanzanians to apply for the listed vacant posts . To access the vacant lists click here . For more information you can visit
The UNESCO National Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania hereby informing the general public that the Polish National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology, and Engineering at the AGH University of Krakow (Poland) have placed at the disposal UNESCO thirty (30) fellowships for the benefit of a number of developing Member States Tanzania inclusive . Beneficiaries of these fellowships will be given the opportunity to undertake an individual research programme in the field of Science, Technology and Engineering for a duration of 6 months between 1 October 2024 and 31 March 2025.
UNESCO National Commission of the URT encourages all qualified and interested Tanzanians to apply. For application and more details please click here
Tume ya Taifa ya UNESCO katika kipindi cha miaka mitatu (3) madarakani ya Mhe. Rais Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan imetekeleza majukumu yake na kufikia mafanikio kadha wa kadha. Kwa undani wa makala bofya hapa kusoma.
UNESCO National Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania is here to inform the general public that the 2024 cycle of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programmes is now open. The online portal is available for direct submission of applications by host institutions and their validation by the National Commission. The application deadline is 30 April 2024, 23:59 (CET/Paris time).
Please note that only completed applications with the requisite letters of support will be considered. The programme guideline and webpage can be consulted for further information.
Tume ya Taifa ya UNESCO kwa kushirikiana na Taasisi ya Utafiti wa Magonjwa ya Binadamu (NIMR) imetekeleza mradi wa maji wa kidigital unaotumia mionzi ya Jua kuyatibu maji . na kuyafanya maji hayo kuwa salama kwa matumizi ya Binadamu katika kata ya Katoma, wilaya ya Geita Mkoani Geita. Mradi huu wenye jina la .“Universal Access to Safe Drinking Water, Hygiene and Sustainable Sanitatation(WASH) in Rural Community”. unaotumia tekinolojia, ubunifu yenye lengo la kumtua Mama ndoo kishwani kwa Hisani ya Raisi Samia Suluhu Hassan ya maji salama kuwafikia watanzania wa vijijini ambao hawajafikiwa na Maji ya bomba.
Mbali na kujenga miundombinu ya mabomba, ujenzi wa vichoteo vya maji (Distributing Points) kwa kuweka hifadhi ya matenki manne (4),Tume ya taifa ya UNESCO imeweza kubuni mfumo wa MajiPesa control box unaofungwa kwenye kila kichoteo ambapo mwananchi huweza kuchangia pesa kidogo ili kupata huduma ya maji na kuufanya mradi uwe endelevu.
Aidha Mfumo huu unauwezo wa kutuma ujumbe kwa wajumbe wote wa kamati ya maji ngazi ya jamii ( community-based water suppy organization-CBWSO) na mamlaka za maji RUWASA-Geita.
Programme: 2024 8th Martial Arts Open School ❍ Main activities – Martial arts training (70%) – Lectures and educational activities (30%) ❍ Period: from June to September, 2024 (tentative) – Two or three days a week, 8 to 12 weeks programme ❍ Number of participants: 150 – 200 students ❍ Age range: primary to secondary and high school students ❍ Funding source: ICM – The maximum amount of funding per proposal will be around 12,000,000 KRW (approx. 8,900 USD) – Estimated costs in your proposal will be considered, adjusted and confirmed after discussion
□ Scope of the Work
Project preparation (programme design, purchasing training equipment and supplies, arranging training venue, hiring personnel, public communication, gathering participants, etc.)
Project implementation (operating martial arts training and educational activities, drafting reports, tracking participants’ attendance, etc.)
Project monitoring and evaluation (participant surveys, physical and psychological tests, etc.)
Communication and reporting (budget management, drafting reports, taking photos and videos, etc.)
Any other requested tasks involved in hosting the Open School projet
□ Eligibility
Be an organisation or an entity officially approved and registered by national authorities
Have at least three years of project implementation in youth education, martial arts, sports, international development, or in another relevant field
Have at least three permanent staff members to operate the Open School project
Have no previous experience of hosting the Martial Arts Open Schools with ICM
Submit 1) completed application form (including a project proposal and evidentiary materials), 2) an official letter or certificate of business registration, and 3) a recommendationletter (optional) to
Email Title: “[Open School Partnership Proposal] Your organisation name”
Ensure all documents are submitted in one PDF file
□ Selection process
Preliminary screening
-Applications will be screened based on the following criteria: eligibility, application documents authenticity, and institutional reliability.
Final selection
– Shortlisted applications will be evaluated against the following criteria: level of project understanding, project proposal, preparedness, and expected outcomes.
※ Applications from Sub-Saharan regions may be given priority.
Notification on selected applications: Tuesday 2nd April – Thursday 4th April, 2024
– Selected applicants will be notified via email or phone, and those who do not respond to the notification in 48 hours will be considered disqualified.
□ Information regarding selection process and conditions of partnership
ICM may not select any application if it is not qualified, and has no obligation to notify the applicant.
ICM shall not in any way be obliged to reveal or discuss with any applicant, how an expression of interest was assessed, or to provide any other information relating to the evaluation or selection process, or to state the reasons for not choosing an applicant for partnership.
ICM may publish the names of the selected applicants on the ICM website.
□ Contact
For questions or further information, please mailto:
Application Form (for project proposal and evidentiary materials) download here
The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) is an intergovernmental organization created in 2006 to support the effective conservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritages of outstanding universal value in Africa. AWHF is inviting a Call for Proposals for Emergency Grants in response to the urgent need for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage sites threatened by various factors including natural disasters, armed conflicts, and other emergencies.
UNESCO National Commission is informing the general public on this opportunity for the qualified institutions and individuals to apply. For more details on how to apply please click here to download the guideline document and to learn more about AWHF visit
The People of Republic of China in collaboration with UNESCO will sponsor fellowship programme in various fields of education. Qualified interested Tanzanian are encouraged to apply for the programme that will benefit seventy five (75) fellows in various fields of study for the year 2024-2025.
The candidates for this programme must be endorsed by the National Commission for UNESCO and shall submit their online application forms on the Chinese Government Scholarship Information System ( by 10th March 2024. For guideline and detailed information please visit
Katika kikao cha 22 cha Umoja wa Mataifa cha Watu wa Asili kinachofanyika Jijini New York Marekeni Tanzania imepata fursa ya kutoa ufafanuzi juu ya mgogoro wa Ngorongoro wa Wamasai Mkoani Manyara.
Ujumbe kutoka Tanzania ukiongozwa na Prof. Hamisi Malebo ambaye ni Katibu Mtendaji wa Tume ya Taifa ya UNESCO umeileza Dunia kwamba Tanzania inaheshimu na kuthamini maisha na haki ya kila mtanzania ikiwa ni pamaoja na wajibu wa kuhakikisha kila mtanzania ananufaika na rasilimali za nchi katika jitahada za kujiletea maendeleo.
Aidha, ujumbe huo ulisema kuwa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania ina makabila yapatayo 120 na kwamba makabila yote yana haki sawa ya kufaidika na kila aina ya rasilimali iliyopo kwa vizazi vilivyopo na vijavyo. Prof. Hamis Malebo akitoa ufafanuzi juu ya kile kinachoitwa watu wa asili nchini Tanzania, ameeleza kuwa Tanzania haijawahi kuwa na watu wa asili kwa kuwa ilianza kukaliwa takribani miaka 5000 iliyopita na watu kutoka makundi ya Kushi na Khosai wajulikana leo kama Wabantu na baadae watu wenye asili ya Nilotic walianza kuingia katika eneo hili linalojulikana leo kama Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania kuanzia karne ya 18 ikiwa ni pamoja na Wamasai. Taarifa ya Tanzania iliwasilishwa na Afisa Mwandamizi wa uwakilishi wa kudumu wa Tanzania katika Umoja wa Mataifa, Bi. Zulaikha Tambwean
Kadhalika, Prof. Malebo akiongea na Mwandishi Maalum wa Jukwaa la Watu wa Asili Bw. Cali T zay kutoka Guatemala alimwarifu kuwa Tanzania imekuwa na inaendelea kushughulikia kero mbalimbali za jamii ya Wamasi ikiwa ni pamoja na kuandaa mazingira mazuri ya kuishi na kupata huduma sitahiki kama jamii zingine za kitanzania. Pia Prof. Malebo alimuomba mwandishi huyo apatapo nafasi atembelee Tanzania hususani jamii ya kimasai ili kujionea jitihada zinazofanywa na serikali katika kuimarisha ustawi wa Wamasai